Monday, October 15, 2012

101 Things for Olivia

Yesterday, I was reading an article and was inspired to write down a list of things for Olivia to know and learn. She's only a little over 3 years old, but I think as she gets older I'll have more items to add and additional lists, but this is a start. I wanted to post it here so that I could one day share it with her. 

101 Things I Want to My Daughter to Know and Learn
1.      Education is the key to your future.  Always believe it and use it wisely.
2.      You are very fortunate and you will not be a spoiled brat.
3.      Always be thankful your health.  It is a big deal!
4.      Your Daddy and me will always be there for you.
5.      Always be thankful and more importantly be grateful.
6.      You can agree to disagree.
7.      People will make you angry and that’s okay. 
8.      You don’t have to associate yourself with people you don’t like.
9.      There will always be mean girls – that doesn’t mean we find a tower and Rapunzel ourselves away from the world. Just ignore them and don't believe a word they say.
10.  Your daddy has loved you better and longer than any boy ever will.
11.  The world needs your point of view.
12.  Your body is strong and capable of more than you can imagine right now.
13.  Cook, decorate, clean, organize because you love to, not because someone tells you you’re meant to.
14.  Always hold your head up and remember you can do anything you set your mind too.
15.  Music makes everything better.
16.  You will love many times and one day you will find the right one.  Have faith.
17.  Don’t allow anyone to treat you like you are ordinary or second fiddle.
18.  Dance whenever you want.
19.  You’ll never be too old for me to rock you.
20.  Once a cheater always a cheater!
21.  Don’t lie to your family. Learn how to be tactful and not a sugar coater.
22.  Nothing you tell me will ever make me want to stop hearing from you.
23.  You will always get caught in a lie eventually.
24.  No prayer is ever too small, too silly or too embarrassing to share.
25.  Washing your face every night is the best kind of beauty routine.
26.  Sunscreen – less wrinkles.
27.  Brown eyes really do melt hearts.
28.  Don’t help someone that can’t help themselves.
29.  A good book can change how you understand someone else.
30.  If you don’t understand something or someone, read about it.  You’ll gain insight and knowledge.
31.  You can always talk to me and share with me.  Even though, I get upset, I’ll come around.
32.  Beauty is a state of mind, not a state of body.
33.  Words can build bridges between people.
34.  You must be a responsible adult and take ownership for all your actions.
35.  Home is not where we live but where our heart is and those we love.
36.  Your name holds a special meaning for us.
37.  Good girls aren’t boring.
38.  Mommy and Daddy will not be able to bail you out of every mess in life. We’ll give you the tools to do it yourself.
39.  You don’t always get what you pay for. 
40.  Saving money is key to being financially secure.
41.  Don’t worry what people think. They are going to think it whether you like it or not.  We are human and judge because we have a mind that is used to think.
42.  Saying sorry first is a sign of strength not a weakness.
43.  Never say you can’t do it.  Always try.
44.  I’m really on your side; especially on the days when it doesn’t feel like it.
45.  Sex for the first time will require a beautiful sense of humor and a partner who’s in it for life.
46.    Passion isn’t a contorted exercise on a marble staircase, it’s doing the dishes together and lying with your feet touching in bed at the end of a long day.
47.  Marriage is an act of courage, commitment and sacrifice. It’s also the most fun you’ll ever have with your best friend.
48.  Always fight fair and don’t be afraid to fight.
49.  Don’t be scared of a confrontation. 
50.  Long hair requires combing regularly and a really good conditioner.
51.  There will be times when you don’t like different parts of your body, but try to be thankful for all the beauty of your body. 
52.  Fashion is my forte; but I look forward to learning from you.
53.  I love curves, but it took me awhile to appreciate curves.
54.  It’s ok to cry and sometimes you need a good cry.  Plus, a good cry is great therapy.
55.    A strong man is never threatened by a strong woman.
56.  The truth will set you free.
57.  Always reach for the stars and shoot for the best in life.  Never settle.
58.  Be the friend you want to have.
59.  Work hard and be dedicated
60.  Travel and see the world.
61.  If you can’t control it, let it go.
62.  A first kiss should be toasted, treasured, savored.
63.  I will be your best friend. But my first job is your mother and I will be your mother more.
64.  Don’t ever name call those you care about when you’re angry.  You’ll regret it forever.
65.  Your dad will teach you about music. He has good taste.
66.  Stop for sunsets, animals and the beauty in nature.
68.  Daughters teach us about our mothers.
69.  Your future husbands need a wife. Not another mom.
71.  Love waits.
72.  Patience is never wasted; although you’ll see it is not my virtue.
73.  Live your life.
74.  Always remember you are very smart, even though you may feel stupid at the moment.
75.  Don’t be afraid of a broken heart and it will happen.  Just be strong and move on.
76.    The only thing holding you back from making a difference in the world will be yourself.
77.  Girlfriends are the best free therapy, so use it.
78.  Don’t be afraid to be foolish. 
79.  You will make mistakes and it’s okay.  Just pick yourself up and dust yourself off.
80.  I’m more interested in your growth than your happiness.
81.  I will hurt for you when you hurt and that is normal.  I’m your mother.
82.  You will let you fly and spread your wings and not keep you sheltered under the guise of protecting you.  You need to grow as a woman and person.
83.    If it makes you feel uncomfortable, don’t do it, wear it or say it.
84.  Challenge yourself.
85.  Learn at least one other language.
86.  You will be homesick, but it will make your strong and homesickness never gets easier.
87.  We need each other.
88.  Bad haircuts grow out eventually.
89.  When you have a break-up or broken heart, trust that you will love again.
90.    The painful truth is always easier than a messy lie.
91.  Don’t be denial about things and make pretend.
92.  No one is perfect and there is no such thing as perfect.
93.  You can always come home, but you have to be responsible and pull your weight.
94.  Nothing will make me love you less.
95.  The mirror is not the boss of you.
96.  You’re the most brave when you’re the most scared and keep going anyway.
97.  Womanhood is a gift.
98.  I’m never tired of being your mother.
99.  You will always be my baby girl.
100.     Trust your instinct and gut.  It is always right.
101.     I love you to infinity and beyond and always will no matter what.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Olivia's First Day of Preschool

Olivia was very excited about wearing her uniform for her first day of preschool.  Here are some pics (please excuse the lighting, Daddy took the pics):